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Реанимационная медицинская кровать JOSON CARE Реанимационная медицинская кровать JOSON CARE Цена: 199 000 грн.
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Мобильный лестничный подъемник (скаламобиль) PT-UNI Мобильный лестничный подъемник (скаламобиль) PT-UNI Цена: 169 900 грн.
Мобильныи? лестничныи? подъемник (скаламобиль) PT-UNI Лестничныи? по...
Гусеничный лестничный подъемник PTR-130 Гусеничный лестничный подъемник PTR-130 Цена: 149 900 грн.
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Комплекс аэроинсоляционный для лечения ожоговых больных Комплекс аэроинсоляционный для лечения ожоговых больных "ФЕНИКС-МС" Цена: 125 000 грн.
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Электроколяска ROCKET KIDS Электроколяска ROCKET KIDS Цена: 98 900 грн.
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Walkers,crutches,canes,wheelchairs,exercise equipment

In the section rehabilitation equipment presents products very necessary for patients during the rehabilitation period, and for people with special needs, these products help to live a full life, not restricting their mobility and improving quality of life. If You want to purchase a rehabilitation bed or accessories to beds, such as Husak, byltsa, rails, mattress cover with a disinfecting or anti-bedsore mattress or anti-decubitus cushion.
Or there is a need the purchase of wheelchairs, strollers, wheelchairs medical scooters, skaters and walkers, rehabilitation, crutches, walkers,canes, lifts,ramps, recliner chairs, standing frames.
On our website you can choose and order rehabilitation equipment for children with cerebral palsy, if VAwith any questions with the selection of the necessary rehabilitation equipment, our Manager will help You make the right choice