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Modern equipment resuscitation is a technical means which equip the intensive care, ICU, ambulance. It can be to conduct electrical defibrillation, ventilation, drug therapy to restore blood flow to the brain, etc. Many people these units to save them from death, so they should be in each medical institution.

What kinds of consists of modern intensive care equipment?

The main technical devices for intensive care include oxygen concentrators, infusion pumps, defibrillators, ventilators and anesthesia equipment and neonatal equipment. Resuscitation equipment is mobile and stationary.

A ventilator provides forced flow of oxygen, gaseous preparations, air mixture into the lungs of the patient. It can be used to remove carbon dioxide from the lungs. Such devices are electric, manual, pneumatic and combined. Highly specialized units has the control of the oxygen pressure, which eliminates the likelihood of barotrauma, as well as a system for heating the gas mixture, in-line humidifier.

The apparatus NDA required for General anesthesia, but can be used for comprehensive monitoring. Defibrillators restore the rhythm of the cardiac activity by means of a short pulse of electricity. Some devices of this kind can regulate the voltage individually for each patient. They are called bi-phase.

Bedside monitors of patients is intended to monitor basic vital functions of patients. They are fully automated and output to display the stored data. In case of power outages, the units are able to function over 0.5—2 hours. They record blood pressure, heart rate, heart rate, body temperature, respiratory rate, measure kidney, EXTceranae, alveolar pressure.

Infusion pumps allow dosed to introduce products and solutions in the implementation of intensive therapy. They work under constant electronic control.

Quality lighting equipment Ukraine

If you are going to buy resuscitation equipment, remember that it should provide round the clock monitoring of the condition of the patient, to provide him peace and comfort.

Modern intensive care unit includes:

  1. Functional intensive care beds — they have a special coating that eliminates the occurrence of pressure sores on the body. Health workers can if necessary lift the patient, and the backrest allows for x-ray diffraction study, because skips the x-rays.
  2. Apparatus for artificial lung ventilation and capacitors — have several modes of operation and give the possibility to choose for each patient the option that will suit him perfectly.
  3. Infusion technique.
  4. Defibrillators.
  5. Monitors to keep the patient's condition under proper control.

If resuscitation will be all necessary, the patient will receive proper medical care.