Otoscope what is it?
This device for the diagnosis of diseases of the ear and also for inspection of the cavity of the ear with the purpose of preventive examination.
The Otoscope consists of a handle of the Otoscope and the Otoscope head. In the head of the Otoscope has a lens and light source.
At the end of the head Otoscope usually during the inspection should be aural speculum,
disposable, which are changed before each subsequent examination of the patient.
The Otoscope allows you to see the cavity of the ear, the eardrum and its structure, the deposition of earwax (sulfuric tube).
There is a Otoscope for children,for adults, Otoscope,Otoscope for animals.
Among all types of pneumatic Otoscope is an Otoscope that allows you to check the integrity of the tympanic membrane.
The light source is an Otoscope with a halogen bulb or fiber optic light source which is a led or xenon bulb.
Otoscopes can be portable which use lithium or Nickel batteries,
and stationary wall mount power supply for which is the outlet in the office of ENT.
With the help of an Otoscope ENT can diagnose different types of ear infections,
sulfuric tube, defeat the cavity of the ear and eardrum, and can also examine the nasal cavity no nasal mirror.
But to manipulate the ENT instrument for removal of foreign body or cerumen,
quite difficult, as the doctor's hands will be busy holding the Otoscope.
In order to make possible the manipulation during the inspection, you need to purchase a binocular microscope with the ear mirror.
Using microscopy ENT-diagnosis more accurate, but the doctor must be a skill of use