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Modern ophthalmic instruments help ophthalmologists to conduct different kinds of diagnostic procedures and further treatment of patients. To assess the terms they use projectors. These devices are replaced with a wall table and allow for dozens of different vision tests. Thanks to them, the specialist can determine the cause of the disease and to find a suitable scheme for further treatment.

Modern ophthalmic equipment, Ukraine

To identify patient's nearsightedness or farsightedness still use autorefkeratometer. It has a built-in CPU, allowing you to analyze information and to make an accurate diagnosis. The device also allows to detect astigmatism.

Diagnosis is carried out using a computer perimeter. It allows to detect glaucoma, to examine the retina and optic nerve. Today this device is the most accurate for detection of sclerotic changes in the retina.

Ophthalmic microscope provides the most reliable information about the internal layers of the cornea. It is a powerful appliance that has electronic control. He has a program that allows you to process and analyze the image.

Laser retinal tomography provides a three-dimensional study of the optic nerve and to detect changes that other appliances simply can not distinguish. Thanks to optical coherence tomography fails to obtain cross-sectional image of the retina, and to determine the pressure and detect glaucoma need pachymeter.

Modern ophthalmology equipment for the doctor

The doctor could serve the patient, he will need Ophthalmoscope, tonometer, measuring eye pressure, autorefkeratometer, screen projectors or projection signs, slit lamps and equipment that can make glasses, and sets of contact lenses. Modern equipment for OFTELnologicheskij office to get not very difficult.

In addition, you will need a work chair for doctors, chairs for visitors, tables, which will host the instruments.

Modern high-tech complex called "ophthalmic unit". It consists of a rack and instrument table, motorized or pneumatic chairs, and lighting bulbs equipped with a dimmer. This is a fully equipped working place of an ophthalmologist that includes all the Essentials. Such equipment equip hospitals specializing in treatment of disorders of vision in children and adults.

Modern ophthalmology is based almost entirely on the laser equipment. Such devices are practical and effective, they do not require much space. The control panel can be placed so that a specialist was easy to work with. To change the power mode, the doctor need only press the desired key.