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Diagnostic equipment


Any patient visits the medical institution begins with the diagnostic equipment. Diagnosis of the patient begins with inspection, both visual and with the aid of the Ophthalmoscope,reflector skull of an Otoscope,flashlight observation. After examination of the patient are transferred to the measurement of blood pressure using a sphygmomanometer, measurement of blood sugar using the glucometer, auscultation carried out with the help of a stethoscope or stetophonendoscope, measurement test within perform medical body thermometer (mercury thermometer or contactless).
A more complex study is performed using Tikhogo equipment such as : ECG,an EEG machine,ultrasound machine, colposcope, x-ray machine,CT scanner,endoscope,magnetic resonance imaging,CT scanner, pulse oximeter,diagnostic monitor.
Parameters of respiratory function determined by peakflowmetry or spirograph.
After the patient made an x-ray picture, provided that the x-ray analog, not digital. The doctor radiologist to review x-rays uses the x-ray film viewer,negatoscope, therefore, also refers to diagnostic equipment.
To buy any diagnostic equipment of high quality at a good price on fiskltd.com